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Updated: Oct 12, 2021

There are times in life that we will be faced with challenges that seem to be insurmountable. These are the times that you learn the value of being resilient which enables you to withstand any storm and sustain yourself during the midst of pain, struggle and adversity. There will be moments that you feel like giving up because you have had enough, but you can't. See you life is far too valuable to just lose hope in the possibilities of your perseverance.

When we are unable to change a problem we have to learn how we view the problem and how we allow it to effect us. Sometimes we are so distracted by the obstacle that we fail to focus on the outcome if we continue to P.U.S.H (Persevere until something happens). It's easy to get lost in our failures, mistakes and lack of success, especially when we are faced with situations that just seem too great to overcome, but there is beauty in being able to look beyond them.

Pushing forward requires you to rise when you fall. To keep fighting for what you want even if you fail during the efforts of many attempts. It means not allowing discouragement and negative perceptions to deter you from what it is that you are striving to accomplish or obtain. No one ever hit a home run when they stopped swinging the bat after they missed the ball. You must keep your eyes focused on the goal and keep swinging your bat no matter how many times you miss until you hit that ball!

There is no rainbow without rain. There is no sunrise, without sunset.

Similarly, you must be willing to walk through your storm and allow faith, determination and endurance to be your umbrella as you endeavor through your personal journey and anticipate the light arriving at the end your tunnel. Maintain your self-awareness, stay in control of your emotions and do not allow them to get the best of you or cause you to make hasty decisions that you will later regret. Stay grounded, avoid the urges to be uprooted and disrupted by what you may be going through which causes an inability to channel in on what is vital to the comfort of your soul. Stay balanced with your thoughts and reasonable with your capabilities as you remain diligent with things that are in your reach and control.

Practice self-care through healthy eating and exercise, positive relationships and the purpose that you can fulfill if you just stay the course and keep pushing forward. If you get tired, rest, but whatever you do, don't quit on yourself, your dreams and your desires. They are far too important to you and there are way too many people counting on you to pull through, especially if you have children that are depending on you to succeed.

If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. If you can't crawl, then get to sliding! But whatever you do, you must keep pushing forward.

And remember, center your attention on the prize not the problem. I believe in you, but it is up to you to believe in yourself.

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