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Finding Purpose


Updated: Oct 16, 2021

We live in a world where we are faced with encounters that were designed to destroy us. But it doesn't necessarily mean they will. As a survivor of domestic violence, trauma and depression, I am here to educate, empower and aid in the restoration of healing for all those who can relate and understand the affects of adverse life experiences. It is absolutely possible to still live a happy, purposeful and well balanced life after being met with such difficulties. Nor do they define who we are, but rather reveal strength, resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles. There is something to gain out of everything in life we may go through, but it is up to us to identify through personal awareness, acceptance and self reflection. We do not have to remain stuck in our wounds and the negative thoughts and feelings that are associated with what has hurt us or has caused our lives to regress. We do not have to be a prisoner of our wounds.

Forgiveness, clarity and love are the dynamics of freedom. By accepting the things we can't change, forgiving ourselves and others and cultivating a healthy balance of self care we develop authentic power within ourselves that no one can take from us. Setting these dynamics as the foundation for our lives not only allows us to evolve, it protects our minds and hearts from elements that can rob us of feelings of contentment and appreciation for what is good in our lives, despite what may not be. What we can't do should never stop us from doing what we can. Who we are not should never hinder us from becoming the highest, truest expressions of ourselves. And what we don't have should never keep us from being grateful for the things that we possess.

Historian Theodore Roosevelt quoted "Comparison is the thief of Joy." As I contemplated on this theory I asked myself, "if I wouldn't allow a thief into my home, why would I allow one in my mind and heart?" Similarly, we should make a conscious effort to reject negative self talk, ideas and reasoning. We should even strive to maintain minimal contact with associates, family members and friends who do not add substance to our mental and emotional well being.

Understanding that we cannot live our lives based on the opinions of others gives us permission to be who more inclined of who we are at the core, what makes us unique and finding comfort in being authentic in a world fueled by replication. We can break the molding of our environment by making changes in associations, thoughts and behaviors that don't resonate with a positive self image and the qualities that we want to possess. Everyone's assignment in life is different and it's hard to find your path when you're walking along everyone else's. It's ok to walk alone if you must take your own personal journey and align yourself in a position that can help you find what is meant for YOU, which is difficult to achieve when you are focused on others and have a negative agenda.

The decisions we make, the thoughts we think and the words we speak should all revolve around the kind of people we want to be, the feelings we want to possess and the things we want to accomplish. Being bitter about our past, our mistakes or the situations that we cannot change will not make us better or add any value to our lives, or the lives of those around us. It is easier said than done at times because some wounds take longer to heal than others, but we have the ability to choose how we view things, how some things affect us and what kind of influence we will allow them to have over our lives.

And remember, failures are not fatal, being disappointed doesn't have to lead us to our final destination and pain can be used as fuel to fulfill your purpose. So what will you choose? Pain or Purpose? #YouAreEnough #KeepGoing

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